Dr.-Ing. Ir. Darwin Sebayang
Darwin Sebayang currently works as the head of the Center of International Cooperation and Innovation (CICI), Universitas Mercu Buana. Darwin also works as a lecturer in undergraduate and graduate program of Mechanical Engineering. Darwin does research in advance material, mechanical design, and aerospace engineering.
Email : d_sebayang@hotmail.com
Dr. – Ing. Deni Shidqi Khaerudini
Deni Shidqi Khaerudini currently works as a lecturer in undergraduate and graduate program of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Mercu Buana. Deni does research in investigating the relation between bulk, grain boundaries, blocking electrode-electrolyte interfaces and various metals doping (isovalent/aliovalent) phenomena on the atomic/macroscopic ionic/electronic properties. Develop new oxide materials (functional materials) for low-temperature range application of solid oxide fuel cells.
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